Friday, May 18, 2012

Intellectual Property in Brazil

Intellectual Property in Brazil

Much of the work done at Biokyra is related to the protection of intellectual property. Intellectual property refers to patents, copyrights and trademarks that can be bought or sold. The laws regulating them try to balance the interests of creators who wish to gain greater control over their ideas and take advantage of them, and the rest of society, calling for a greater flexibility of control.

A patent, in its classic formulation, is a public concession, granted by the State, which grants the holder the exclusive right to commercially exploit his creation. However, access is available to the public on the knowledge of the key points and the claims that characterize the novelty in the invention. The exclusive rights granted by the patent relate to the right to prevent others from manufacturing, using, selling, offering to sell or importing the said invention.

The Patent Cooperation Treaty, or PCT was signed on June 19, 1970 in Washington, in order to develop the patents and technology transfer systems. The PCT provides basically a means of cooperation between industrialized and developing countries. By October 2009 there were 142 countries signatories to the PCT.

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is an intergovernmental organization with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It is a specialized agency of the United Nations Organizations, and is responsible for the PCT. The PCT aims to simplify the necessary procedures in the case of a request for patent protection in several countries, making more effective and economic for both the user and for the government agencies in charge of the patent system administration. Brazil is a signatory to the PCT since 1978.

Biokyra has its own team to write patent applications and to monitor the process of obtaining intellectual property. 

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