Europe might need to rethink its healthcare system in order to put it
back on a sustainable track. Not only the European industry is suffering from
increased demand, as a result of its demographic trend (expanding elderly
population), but also because government spendings are under pressure and there
are ever fewer healthcare professionals.
According to MedTech Europe, the industry has developed a Contract for a Healthy Future, its
five-year strategy, in which they commit themselves to adapt their “business
model to deliver value-based innovations which will help steer European
healthcare systems onto a sustainable path.” MedTech Europe and Boston
Consulting Group have developed a report that “looks at how companies respond
to the new market realities and where the industry stands in terms of making
the necessary changes.” The report is called “Slow Burn – The Need to Transform
the Medtech Model in Europe” Their website also features an Economist Report
which shows how 5 European member states have already taken measures in order
to keep their healthcare systems sustainable for the future.
information on the MedTech Industry's 5-Year Strategy is available at