The Second World Health
Organisation’s Global Forum on Medical Devices took place in Geneva on November
22-24th and gathered together the academia, international organisations,
industry and NGOs. While one of the WHO’s strategic objectives is “to ensure
improved access, quality and use of medical devices”, during this event the
organisation emphasized how important it is to align medical device innovation
with the public health need. According to the WHO, there is a mismatch between
these two spheres.
After hearing the stakeholders’ opinion, five insights were listed to help the
industry work towards resolving the mismatch: 4 ‘A’s define the agenda to
improve access to appropriate medical devices (Availability, Accessibility,
Appropriateness, and Affordability); Diagnostics industry contributes to low
resource settings beyond Corporate Social Responsibility activities; Bring
research and manufacturing to low resource settings; Young entrepreneurs have a
good grasp of localisation; Mobile is the way to go.