ABIMO (Brazilian
Healthcare, Medical and Dental Equipment Industry Association) doesn’t have the
final numbers of the Brazilian healthcare industry for 2015, we can analyze the
sector’s trend until the previous year. The industry of medical and dental
equipment grew by 9.1%, in comparison to 2013; while the job market grew by
to Brazil’s large population and increase spending on healthcare, the country’s
imports on medical devices passed the US$ 1 billion mark. The exports, however,
reached US$70 million only. The United States is both the main origin of
imports and destination of exports. Followed by Germany, China and Japan in the
origin side and Argentina, Mexico and Belgium on the destination side. There’s
a huge gap on the sector’s average revenue per unit between imports (US$
114.99) and exports (US$33.04) - which makes the trade balance even worse.
bottom line is that Brazil continues to be a great buyer of healthcare products
due to its inability to meet its own demand. On the other hand, the country can
be a great source of exports due to competitive prices, strong regulatory and
intellectual property system.