Tuesday, December 30, 2014

European Healthcare System: Changes for a Sustainable Future

Europe might need to rethink its healthcare system in order to put it back on a sustainable track. Not only the European industry is suffering from increased demand, as a result of its demographic trend (expanding elderly population), but also because government spendings are under pressure and there are ever fewer healthcare professionals.
According to MedTech Europe, the industry has developed a Contract for a Healthy Future, its five-year strategy, in which they commit themselves to adapt their “business model to deliver value-based innovations which will help steer European healthcare systems onto a sustainable path.” MedTech Europe and Boston Consulting Group have developed a report that “looks at how companies respond to the new market realities and where the industry stands in terms of making the necessary changes.” The report is called “Slow Burn – The Need to Transform the Medtech Model in Europe” Their website also features an Economist Report which shows how 5 European member states have already taken measures in order to keep their healthcare systems sustainable for the future.

More information on the MedTech Industry's 5-Year Strategy is available at www.reforminghealthcare.eu

Monday, December 15, 2014

Important Key Points to Keep in Mind about Consumerisation Strategies

During the BIOMEDevice San Jose 2014, Andrew Atwell, principal at Samsung Open Innovation Center, stated his concerns about consumerization issues in the healthcare sector. According to him, there are four key trends that medical devices companies should keep in mind.
First of all, and following other sectors: free data. Not only gathering health information, but sharing it between devices. These data, however, must provide and  convert it into relevant actionable information. Another important fact pointed out by Andrew Atwell is the importance of releasing the information in real time. According to him, in medical labs there are still many paper-based results that are manually entered by a lab tech. “The doctors should be able to see the data immediately at a patient’s bedside or on the golf course,” Atwell said. Doing so, patients would properly follow protocols after leaving hospitals and it would prevent readmissions. The last concern stated by Atwell was about usability. “The traditional form factor of many medical devices has been frustrating for many users.” Both patients and doctors are demanding medical devices and systems that engage users.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Brazilian Health Devices in MEDICA - Düsseldorf,GE

During November 12-15th, the renowned international event of the medical devices sector MEDICA took place in Düsseldorf, Germany. The Brazilian companies, under the Brazilian Health Devices - ABIMO’s project in partnership with APEX-Brasil - attended the event and the expectation for the next 12 months is US$ 16 million in business development as a result of the trade fair.
There were a total of 50 Brazilian exhibitors at MEDICA and the numbers are impressive: more than 3 thousand new contacts in more than 120 countries. As an instant result, MEDICA provided US$ 2.292 million in new business for the Brazilian companies.