Despite the international uncertainty, patent
application in Brazil increased 6% between 2011 and 2012[1].
The growth started back in 2010, after the first symptoms of the global crisis
in 2008 and 2009 which reduced the numbers of patent application.
Whether in universities, companies, multinationals or
research institutes, innovation is the main concern among all of them, in every
sector. Not only has the production raised but also the need for intellectual
protection in a large emerging market.
Growing demand claims for more efficiency. The INPI (Brazilian National Institute of
Intellectual Property) is taking its steps towards better efficiency by
offering the inventors a system that enables online applications and monitoring,
similar to the ones that the USPTO (USA) and EPO (European Union) already have.
This is expected to make the patent filing process in Brazil simpler and more
[1] For further information about INPI
statistics, go to